Advertisement placement and product placement costing in fashionktm!!!

3 months Plan
6 months Plan
12 months plan
Rs. 4000 package for 3 months
3 image display in fashionktm homepage
Email ID of fashionktm
Vendor login creation in fashionktm vendor page
$10 worth of facebook advertising
100 SMS per month
Rs. 7000 package for 6 months
6 image display in fashionktm homepage
Email ID
vendor login creation in fashionktm vendor page
$20 worth of digital ads in facebook
150 SMS per month
with mobile display @1000 addition
with mobile display offer, 3 months additional product placement (5+3)
Rs. 12000 package for 9 months
12 image display in front page
Create 3 email ID
Vendor login creation in fashionktm vendor page
$40 worth of digital ads in facebook
200 SMS per month
With mobile display@ 1000 addition
With mobile display offer. 3 months additional product placement (12+3)
With mobile display: Rs. 13000 (exclusive of taxes)
- All prices are exclusive of Taxes