How to dress for a wedding. Do and don’ts
Weddings are very important events, and nobody wants to be the one that wore something inappropriate, .The phrase “I have nothing to wear” is common enough, but wedding season makes people shout it from the rooftops. If you’re in your twenties or thirties, you may have at least one ceremony per weekend during the wedding season. Some will be casual, others will be semi-formal, and dress codes are always a possibility.
Here’s a quick rundown of elements to think of when choosing the perfect outfit as a wedding guest!
Everything from traditional attire etiquette to weather should be considered.
Do Check the Weather
Know the forecast before you leave the house. Be prepared for cold temperature before you head out of the house . Ladies, the most important thing to consider is wind! Do not wear a shorty, flowy gown that you’ll have to hold down all evening. If the weather seems not in your favor then do carry a outer coat which can be taken off and on accordingly.
Don’t Wear White
This isn’t the first time you’ve heard this, but I can’t leave it out. White is an obvious faux pas, but be careful with champagne, cream, and even light shades of gold and tan. Brides are going for colored wedding dresses these days, so an awkward match can happen when you least expect it. In Asian country like in Nepal it is not considered good to wear white during the happy and wedding moments.so instead of white opt for something colorful .
Don’t Dress Too Casual & Definitely Don’t Wear Jeans
Don’t mistake a casual dress code for jeans and a t-shirt; those are never acceptable unless you’re specifically told by the bride and groom that they’re having jean and t-shirt. Try to wear more ethnic and traditional wear than just going there on ripped jeans. Traditional wear make your look beautiful and eye catchy too. Asian prefer more ethic wear which make them look pretty and also standout among the audience.
Don’t Go Too Bold
Sequins, animal prints, bright red, and other over-the-top designs are fun for a night out but not the right choice for a wedding. Of course you want to look good but you don’t want to be the center of attention at someone else’s wedding. The focus should always be on the bride, not your outfit. Try not to wear dresses that seems very uncomfortable since you are with thousand of guests present there. Dress accordingly whether you are going to attend the weeding with friends or with family ones.
Do Wear Comfortable Shoes
If you know you’re a dancing fool and will be on the dance floor for hours, comfortable shoes are a must-have. Flats or wedges are always good options. If you want to wear heels, consider a shorter heel or a chunky style. If you think your heels will get uncomfortable, you can always pack a pair of flats or sandals for later on in the night. Long high seems better at first to match with your outfit but eventually with time it can give you bruises and ankle pain.
Do Ask Friends What They’re Wearing
If you’re stuck, there’s nothing better than getting advice from a fellow friends. That way you can exchange ideas and will be less likely to commit a fashion faux pas. You could also avoid the potential “one of us needs to change” moment by making sure you aren’t wearing the same thing as other guests. Try to discuss the bridesmaid dress before hand so that friends overall gets a eye catchy look among the other attendee in wedding.